Residual Statics in Seismic Software - Geomage Residual Statics in Seismic Software - Geomage

Seismic processing software


2D/3D/4D Residual Statics Solution Our strategy is surface-consistent and coordinate-based determination of static corrections corresponding to near-surface structure effects not compensated by refraction statics (both high and mid frequency statics). Highly effective parallel implementation allows the processor to reduce project turnaround time whenever precision and accuracy of Geomage residual statics algorithm increases the quality of the final product by stack-power maximization.  Our solution based on scientific, technological and implementation advantages listed below:
Our solution based on latest scientific, technological and implementation advantages listed below:

Model traces

Before After

In addition to the proprietary world-class algorithms, all our modules in g-Platform have extensive visual QC tools, as can be seen on image below: